lets talk about 3 Eta.
Well, It was super quite in the first few days.. everyone listening to teacher's teaching or doing homework (even if teacher is not in class)
weird huh?
kinna awkward..
after a few days in three Eta,
Nicole and me started to chat with Aravin and Vishal (not sure how to spell)..
and the class started to be normal.. people are chatting around but still 2Pi is worst..
Ketua kelas= Tan Chung Ren
Penolong kelas= Lim Su Shen
Setiausahe= Stephanie
Bendahari= me!!
Ketua Keceriaan= Zhuo Yi
Ketua Kebersihan= Tze Yun
Ketua keselamatan= Tan Chun Kit ( I think )
We fixed that in a blur blur situation.
then teacher started to rearrange some students sitting position.
Nicole insist to sit the first row and i teman her...
Raww, goonna sit there for whole year??? 0.o
Btw, teacher non-stop giving homework... =3=